The Drummers of Asbury

February 26, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Back in the day. How I dislike that saying. Just like saying your time is done, and life does not matter anymore. So far from the truth. I never use that phrase when describing my past and all the revelry I use to intake or create. When I was younger is a much better statement, and yes, I am older than the majority of the members of the scene I choose to spend my time in, as are a few of my counterparts. We enjoy what it is and cherish watching the lives of others succeed in their own revelry and mayhem. Anyway, for those who do not know. I used to play the drums in a couple of bands in the late eighties and early nineties. Visiting haunts like The Pony, T-Birds, The Fastlane and The Brighton. The weird thing is, as much as I now love hanging at the Wonder Bar I have never played there. 

Every now and then I will sit down and jam out and occasionally even sit in with some friends. Oh how out of shape one gets when certain muscles are not used. So that it my history in a nutshell and one of the reasons why you always see me posting shots of those drummer types. I can identify with them the most. 

Now, I call myself retired. But you never really retire from music, your view just changes and y'all know the view I take now. The drummers I come across today are a thing of beauty, they are all incredibly talented and very in the pocket. The biggest thing I have noticed in this day and age is the scaled down kits they use. Seems the majority of people use a basic four piece kit, some even just two piece. Lots of double pedals though. I would imagine this is just a product of the style of music that dominates the scene. 

The beat masters never get the attention they deserve so I make sure and grab shots of the hidden ones to share when I can. It does remain a tough catch though. Small stages, gear and band members occluding a direct line of sight, and the light. Oh, the light. Not every venue produces a decent amount of light to get a good drummer shot, but I always try. I may hit pay dirt one night and be shut out the next. Such is the life of a photo guy. 

So, do I have a favorite. There is no single person, plus I am not allowed to have a favorite, but I do have a few that have touched me more than others. Featured here are drummers I have seen in Asbury Park. New Jersey Drummers to be specific. I only selected from the 2016 calendar year and although I did my best to choose shots that have never been shared, a few did make it in. 

I chose four masters that I could watch and listen to everyday, in no particular order. 

Jack Biamonte from Deaf Rhino

Dude is showman, and he backs up his showmanship with some incredible chops utilizing every inch of his kit, on beat, off beat and beats in between

Natalie Newbold of dollys

Pure fun. Simplicity with an incredible amount of feeling.

AJ Dumm from The Shady Street Show Band

All groove and lots of soul. Feeling him for days after I see him.

Colin Ryan of Lowlight

Deceptive. Watch and listen the next time you see him. Amazingly quick and a great feel.

A slideshow of the other drummers I have come across during my travels around town. There are a bunch.  Three second transition between photos or you can go to the gallery or click on through.  

What would you all think about a series featuring a different drummer every month?   Yes? No?  Let me know!

Thanks for stopping by! 



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